The Alternative 'End of Day' Reports

(As originally featured in


An 'End-of-Day report' is - in theory - the standard document issued by F9 tech support, detailing (in not too much detail) the alterations, issues, omissions and commissions of a busy domestic ISP.

The problem with 'busy ISPs' is: they don't ALWAYS get their End of Day reports done by the end of the day. Or by the next day, either...

We just HAD to see if we could help:-

(Click on an index ball to view the full report. There is a load of balls.)


Bethlehem End Of Day Report ( 24/12/99) Also: Follow-up "End Of The World Announcement"

Roman End of Day Report (17/1/99)

Mediaeval End of Day Report (5/1/00)

Wehrmacht (WWII) End of Day Report (19/12/99)

EDITOR'S NOTE: The original spoofs were written by:

- PaulMac

- Jimbo

- Inu Yasha

- Unknown


Julian Clary End Of Day Report (10/12/99)

Santa Claus End of Day Report (25/12/99)

Jeremy Clarkson End of Day Report (23/1/00)

Mad Rant End of Day Report (26/1/00)

Martin Sewell End of Day Report (27/1/00)

Bruce Forsyth End of Day Report (28/1/00)


Ulster-Scots End Of Day Report (14/12/99)

Click here to read a REAL (well, almost real) Force9 EODR, for comparison
Film & TV:

Star Trek End Of Day Report (16/12/99)

Bonestay End Of Day Report (25/11/99)

Gangsta End of Day Report (1/12/99)

South Park End of Day Report (22/1/00)

Fast Show End of Day Report (21/1/00)


All of the Alternative End of Day reports are (c) their respective authors. Any copying, storage, unauthorised reproduction or any other buggering about whatsoever, in whole or in part, will be punished by a swift and decisive boot in the 'nads, or other such genitalia as may be accessible at the time of the alleged offence.