For Garmin GPS receivers and Mapsource.
Last updated: 27 Apr 2006 A guide to the installation and use of SMC contour data on Garmin GPS mapping receivers, and Garmin Mapsource PC software. Note: Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this document. However, no responsibility for errors or damage to GPS equipment is accepted. |
Introduction: The data provided on the Scottish Mountaineering Club website is derived from NASA's SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission) which was flown in February 2000. The processed information provided a 30-metre resolution survey of most elevations on the Earth's surface. This in turn formed the basis of a project by Dave Storey to provide contour mapping for the whole of the British Isles, in a form which could be used on some consumer GPS mapping receivers. Although intermediate contours were interpolated, the accuracy of the information shown is good, and gives a useful indication of the general terrain in a given area. |
System requirements:
PC with Windows XP (recommended) or 98/ME; Garmin Mapsource v 6.8 or later; Compatible GPS receiver. (See below.)
FAQ and Support:
The FAQ for this document is maintained at the GEO-X Discussion Forum. No online support is offered but queries can be posted to the Forum (registration required), where an answer may be forthcoming.
The SMC contour map data files are in a proprietary format, and can ONLY be used with Garmin mapping GPS units. It is not possible to upload the maps to a non-mapping receiver. This guide assumes that you have such a receiver, and also that you have one of the Mapsource PC products to go with it. The maps are transparent when used with another Mapsource product, but can be switched on and off within the GPS, as required.
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All text and images on this website are ©PaulMcMichael 2005, and may not be copied or reproduced. We sue. “Mapsource”, “iQue”, “eTrex” are registered trademarks of Garmin Inc.